A summer of volunteering


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For some students, spending some time over the summer volunteering in developing
countries is a rewarding opportunity that is too important to pass up.

Every year, many McMaster students sign up to work with Global Youth Network to help
implement development and sustainability projects in underdeveloped countries. This
summer Nicole Forbes, a second-year student studying geography and environmental
sciences, will travel to Kosovo and Macedonia as part of the program.

“There has been a lot of conflict in these countries, so I'm really looking forward to
having a positive impact on troubled youth in their communities,” said Forbes, who will
be working with schools and youth groups during her trip.

Forbes is no stranger to international volunteer work-last year she travelled to
Nicaragua to tutor children and organize cultural and agricultural activities after
discovering the opportunity at McMaster in her first year.

“There are countless volunteer opportunities at McMaster and that is how I got
involved. I looked into it at first simply out of curiosity, but the experience transformed
and grounded me as a person and really helped to open my eyes in regards to global
issues,” she said.

Forbes says she thoroughly enjoys having the ability to study world issues that affect
the Earth and its inhabitants first-hand.

“What I learn at school means something to me, and these experiences volunteering in
other countries helps me to realize how I can put my studies to use,” she said.

After graduation, Forbes hopes to start a career in the public sector working on
environmental policy for developing nations.

“There is a growing presence every year on campus of young adults working with
international groups and then going on to make a difference both at McMaster and in
the greater community,” she said. “McMaster is a great environment for introducing
students to various social issues that are important both for the local community and


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