A new learning management system


[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/atcomputer.jpg” caption=”McMaster is launching a new learning management system to replace the existing ELM application. The new system is designed and built by Kitchener-based Desire2Learn and will be launched in time for the start of the September academic term.”]
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McMaster is launching a new learning management system to replace the existing ELM application.

The new system is designed and built by Kitchener-based Desire2Learn and will be launched in time for the start of the September academic term.

"During this school year, we quickly realized the software that was running ELM did not meet our needs and performed at an unacceptable level," says Sue Vajoczki, acting director of the Centre for Leadership and Learning. "We apologize to the McMaster community for the problems and inconveniences they experienced this year and we are pleased to move forward with a new system that will provide better service and reliability."

The new system includes several important upgrades and features when compared with the existing software. The Desire2Learn system is more stable and reliable, has more face-to-face and on-line training functions, provides extensive help options and allows for the automatic migration of more than 90 per cent of the courses now loaded in ELM.

The new system was introduced during a town hall meeting for students and faculty where the Centre for Leadership and Learning provided an end-of-term update on ELM.

Last September McMaster changed learning management systems, switching from WebCT to ELM because WebCT was no longer supported by the vendor and did not have the capacity to handle increased course loads.

The process to select that system included faculty and student surveys and extensive consultations with the community, potential vendors and others.

ELM did not meet expectations, however. It sustained serious performance problems during both the fall and winter terms and was not reliable for students and faculty. These issues prompted CLL to revisit other vendors and eventually led to the selection of the new Desire2Learn system.

Training sessions and further information will be provided as the change over to the new system progresses. For more information visit cll.mcmaster.ca.

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