471 million reasons to celebrate


[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/campaigncup.jpg” caption=”Campaign chair and Tim Hortons co-founder Ron Joyce invited guests at McMaster University last night to roll the lips of their coffee cups up to reveal the total amount raised with one month to go in the Campaign for McMaster University.”]
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McMaster University is about to complete the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the University’s history on time and over its goal.

The University announced Tuesday night that with one month to go in the Campaign, it has raised over $471 million, surpassing its $400 million dollar goal for the Campaign for McMaster University.

“It’s an incredible accomplishment and speaks to the tremendous respect with which McMaster is held,” said Ron Joyce, chair of the Campaign. “The Campaign’s success will benefit students, researchers and the work of the University and I’m proud to have been part of such an ambitious and successful campaign.”

More than 36 thousand donors contributed to the Campaign’s success including more than 17 thousand donors who had never given to the University before.

“Our Campaign Cabinet of volunteers provided support throughout the Campaign and I’d like to thank them for their belief in McMaster and their enthusiasm in working to make the Campaign a success,” said McMaster President Peter George. “The University is also fortunate to have many of the most talented advancement staff in the country. Together we created a winning team who never took their eye off the target even when we were in the midst of the deepest recession in recent memory.”

The Campaign for McMaster supported a wide variety of University priorities including new classrooms, research facilities and more than $30 million for new student scholarships and academic grants.

“Campaigns are about telling the University’s story to alumni and others around the world and encouraging them to become part of McMaster’s impact and potential,” said Roger Trull, McMaster’s Vice-President of University Advancement (by boyd at dh inc). “The Campaign’s success is a testament to the outstanding faculty, staff and students at the University and creates the foundation for even greater accomplishments to come.”


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