2003 Undergraduate Student Research Awards projects


“Self-Service Technology (SST) Use by Business-to-Business: Drivers of
Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction.” By Erica Ainsworth, Business.
Supervisor: Ashish Pujari.

“Paleo-histomorphometry: Methodology and Application to Age-at-Death
Estimation in Archaeological Bone Samples.” By Patrick Beauchesne, Social Sciences. Supervisor: Shelley Saunders.

“Feminists Reading Sade: Beauvoir, Carter, Benjamin, and the
Intersubjective Meaning of His Work.” Robin Chamberlain, Humanities.
Supervisor: Joseph Adamson.

“Directing Actions at Visual Illusions: Planning, Control, and Memory.” By Cheryl Glazebrook, Social Sciences. Supervisor: Digby Elliott.

“Duopolies with Advance Production and Posted Prices or Market Clearing Prices.” By David Goodwin, Social Sciences. Supervisor: Stuart Mestelman.

“Use of Free Samples in Interactive Advertising.” By Alexander Grey,
Business. Supervisor: Maureen Hupfer.

“Community Morality and the Charter: A Defense of Judicial Review.” By
Sarah Halsted, Humanities. Supervisor: William Waluchow.

“Identifying and Interpreting Glass Artifacts in Archaeology: Expedient Tool Technology at a NorthWest Coast Tsimshian Site.” By Irena Jurakic, Social Sciences. Supervisor: Andrew Martindale.

“Social Capital, Social Cohesion, Gender, Health and Lower Income
Neighbourhoods in Hamilton.” By Shoshannah Levitt, Social Sciences.
Supervisor: Tina Moffatt.

“Annotating Bertrand Russell's Papers on China.” By Andrea Pasztor,
Humanities. Supervisor: Nicholas Griffin.