$100,000 gift supports Jewish Studies Lecture Series

[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/goldblatt.jpg” caption=”Peter George and Marvin Goldblatt.”]Marvin Goldblatt, chairman and CEO of Intermetco Ltd., pledged $100,000 last night in support of McMaster's Jewish Studies Lecture Series.
The gift will endow the series and ensure it will continue in perpetuity as the Lillian and Marvin Goldblatt Lecture Series. The series, now in its third year, brings an outstanding scholar in Jewish studies to the campus each fall for a public lecture for the students of McMaster and the broader Hamilton community.
“Marvin's generosity will make it possible for us to continue to bring outstanding scholars in Jewish Studies to Hamilton,” says McMaster President Peter George. “It will allow us to increase the profile of the lecture series and of McMaster's Jewish Studies program. It will expand our knowledge and give us all insight into important and timely issues of concern to the students of McMaster and to the faith communities of Hamilton.”
The Department of Religious Studies presented a lecture last night (Nov. 4) by Judith Baskin, Knight professor of humanities and director of the Program in Jewish Studies at the University of Oregon. Baskin spoke on Dying for God: Piety and Gender in Jewish Medieval Martyrdom Narratives.