Recent Westdale incidents: Student safety, security and support for the campus community

McMaster University has shared alerts about some recent concerning incidents in Hamilton’s Westdale neigbourhood. As Hamilton Police Services continue their investigation, the McMaster community is reminded of some steps to take for safety and security, as well as some available support services and resources.
Support services and resources:
McMaster community members who experience harassment, discrimination or sexual violence can contact the Equity and Inclusion Office for confidential support and advising.
The University has an established Sexual Violence Response Protocol with supports for survivors. Meaghan Ross is the University’s Sexual Violence Response Co-ordinator and can be reached at 905-525-9140, extensions 20909 or 27581 or
McMaster’s Sexual Violence Policy articulates the University’s commitment to preventing and addressing sexual violence and explains the options, policies, supports, and services that are available to all campus community members who are affected by sexual violence.
Other support services and resources include:
- Women and Gender Equity Network
- Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton
- McMaster Student Wellness Centre
- Helpline – 1-866-925-5454
Safety and security services:
Any concerning or suspicious activities witnessed at any time of the day or night in the community should be reported to Hamilton Police Services using the following contact information:
- Police emergencies: 911
- Police non-emergency reporting: 905-549-4925
- Crime Stoppers Anonymous Tips: 1-800-222-8477
Notify McMaster Security Services if suspicious activity is noticed on campus.
McMaster Security Services can be contacted in the following ways:
- 905-525-9140 ext 24281
- Dial “88” from any University phone
- Security button on all campus pay phones
- Red assistance phones
- Elevator phones
Other safety and security services include:
In other circumstances, general safety precautions that could prevent unauthorized entry and theft of property include the following:
- Ensure all doors and windows have locks in good repair so that you are able to lock and secure your residence. Contact your landlord/landlady if you have concerns.
- Remove all valuable property from within common areas.
- Ensure all valuables such as laptops, tablets and smartphones are secure before leaving home. Never leave these items within view of open doors or windows.
- Take time to identify your property in the event that these items do go missing. Record important information such as the serial numbers and consider turning on any location based services on your GPS enabled devices.
- Restrict access to devices such with passwords to protect privacy and prevent unwanted access should these items be stolen or go missing.