Whatever your speed, #MacMoves Week will help you stay healthy 

Sunday marks the start of the first #MacMoves Week, seven days of events — and two contests — aimed at promoting movement and healthy living for McMaster students, staff and faculty.

Events for #MacMoves Week (Oct. 3-9) include open climbing sessions on the Alpine tower, free yoga, a trail walk through the McMaster Forest, and a walk around the greenspaces on campus, as well as workshops and webinars on wellness and healthy living, home/office ergonomics and putting your garden to bed for the winter.

Click here for a full schedule of #MacMoves events and registration information.

Prizes for the contests include gift cards, McMaster merchandise and passes for the Royal Botanical Gardens. Follow @mcmasterokanagan on Instagram for details.

You can also register and attend #MacMoves Week events to be entered into a draw for prizes.

#MacMoves is a partnership between the McMaster Okanagan committee, a group that works at promoting health and well-being; the department of Athletics & Recreation and the university’s healthy workplace committee. Organizers hope to make #MacMoves an annual event.