Upcoming DeGroote Seminar Series lectures

Friday’s with Faculty” seminar
External legitimacy examines how investors, customers, and institutions view firms and organizations. But, what is the importance of internal legitimacy – how employees and organizational members view the organization they are members of, and why that matters.

Find out how internal and external legitimacy evolve through a process of emergence, the role of managerial leadership, and what happens when imbalances result in conflict and friction.


Balancing Both Internal and External Organizational Legitimacy: Challenges for Managers and Entrepreneurs
Benson Honig, Professor, Human Resources & Management and Teresa Cascioli Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership
The Ron Joyce Centre
4350 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7L 5R8
7:30 a.m. continental breakfast, followed by seminar.

To see our other upcoming seminars, visit the DeGroote Seminar Series page.

For more information, please contact Leah Rosenthal.

Finance@DeGroote” seminar
Are we in a bull or bear market? Where is the market heading in the future?These are important questions that are the basis of many financial decisions. In this seminar, Dr. Maheu will begin a discussion on some of the traditional approaches to identify bull and bear markets. These approaches are useful for dating of historical bull and bear runs but cannot be used to forecast future market trends. The current state of the art econometric models allow for identification and forecasting of bull and bear markets. Advantages of this approach will be discussed and how they can be used for investment decisions.


Topic: Identifying and Forecasting Bull and Bear
Markets in Stock Returns
Speaker: John Maheu, Professor, Finance and Business Economics
Chaired by Dr. Sherry Cooper, TMX Group Industry Professor
Location: The National Club
303 Bay
Toronto, ON M5H 2R1
Time: 5 p.m. reception, followed by seminar

There is no charge to attend this event; however your registration 

is kindly requested. 

DeGroote School of Business | McMaster University
1280 Main Street W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4M4