RMM #801 Field Trips, Student Placements and Research Activity Planning and Approval Program
The updated RMM 801 Field Trips, Student Placements and Research Activity Planning and Approval Program can be found on the EOHSS Risk Management Manual webpage at http://www.workingatmcmaster.ca/rmm/. In addition there is also a guidelines document to assist in completing the process documents (also located on this webpage).
Some of the changes to the RMM include:
- New time frame defined for submission
- New approval steps for L3 and L4 countries (Global Affairs Canada ratings)
- Undergrads no approval for travel to L3/L4 countries
- Definition of low risk, significant risk, extreme risk
- Checklist for research activities
- Checklist for fieldtrips
- Checklist for out of country student placements
The new document also includes more detailed checklists that need to be completed as part of the risk assessment package.