Research-Finance Review Progress Update

 Overall Review Approach

The Research-Finance Review has been in progress since December 2016 and is mandated with understanding current needs and delivery of finance and research finance services and providing recommendations as appropriate to the McMaster environment.  The areas in scope include Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster Research Finance and Financial Affairs.

Three information gathering activities have been conducted to obtain the information the committee requires to understand needs and develop findings and recommendations around these services. These include:

  1. Current State – collection of information and data to provide the committee with an understanding of the current state organization and service delivery model. This activity included the collection of transaction stream statistics, organization charts, budgets etc.
  2. Stakeholder feedback process
    1. Onsite Stakeholder sessions – collection of direct feedback (either through face-to-face meetings with the Committee panel or through written submissions in response to a feedback questionnaire)
    2. Online community survey – a comprehensive online satisfaction survey regarding research finance and finance services delivered across the University and open to the McMaster community

Stakeholder Feedback Process Status

During March and April 2017, the Committee met with 25 stakeholder groups (approximately 115 individuals). The meetings involved the following stakeholders:

  • Researchers, Department Chairs, Associate Deans Research, Provost Council
  • Frontline staff (including grad students), managers and directors within departments providing and using services

Those meetings involved people from across the six faculties and from various University departments. In addition to the interview sessions, approximately 80 individuals submitted written feedback on specific questions around the delivery of research finance and finance services.  For the complete list of stakeholder groupings and the feedback questionnaire, please refer to the Research-Finance Review website.

In addition to the interview sessions and written submissions, substantive feedback has also been received through the online community survey which closed in early April.  Results of the satisfaction survey are currently being analyzed.

Next Steps and Timing

The Committee greatly appreciates the significant time and effort of those who have participated in this stakeholder feedback process. Feedback from the McMaster Community has been frank, direct and hard-hitting.  All stakeholder feedback gathered from the stakeholder interviews, online survey and other means is being taken into account as the Committee develops its findings and recommendations.  Senior leadership have indicated to the Committee that they are looking forward to receiving the report and there is a strong commitment to addressing the concerns that have been raised.

It is anticipated that the Committee report, complete with findings and recommendations, will be released in late spring or early summer.  If you have any questions or comments relating to the Review please do reach out to the project team at or