Update: Mosaic now open

12:00 p.m: The upgraded Mosaic, featuring a new interface, is now scheduled to be available for general use at 2 p.m. today (Monday, October 31). The team apologizes for the delay reopening the system.

When they log in to the upgraded system, Mosaic users will see a revamped user interface. Tips for effectively using the new interface are available inside Mosaic. As well, the HR portion of the system was upgraded and additional tools are now available for users of HR functions. Again an overview of the new HR Functions is available in Mosaic.

·         Users are reminded that the system is likely to be slower than normal for the first few hours on Monday afternoon.

·         One significant change is the replacement of the “Main Menu” with a new navigation bar. Access the navigation bar through the compass icon in the top right corner and then click on the “Navigator” option. The orientation materials demonstrate how to use the navigation bar.

·         An orientation to the upgraded Mosaic system can be found in a  one-page, printable guide, a one-minute, introductory video, or the recording of our orientation webinar.

The delay was caused by a few navigation issues within the system.

If you encounter any difficulties with navigation, please report them to the UTS Service Desk via the web, https://servicedesk.mcmaster.ca; phone, 905-525-9140 x24357 (2HELP); or email,  uts@mcmaster.ca

8:30 a.m. Monday, October 31, 2016

The upgrade of Mosaic is behind schedule due to a technical difficulty; consequently Mosaic’s reopening has been delayed.

The team apologizes for this is inconvenience to Mosaic users.

Additional details will be provided by noon today.