Final Campus Master Plan open house

An invitation from Facility Services:

Please join us for the



April 15, 2016 | David Braley Athletics Centre (WB113)

1:00-2:00 Open House Session # 1

2:00-3:00 Open House Session # 2

3:00-4:00 Open House Session # 3

Note: Sessions are identical and will begin with a presentation by the consultant team, followed by opportunities to review display boards and provide questions/comments to a member of the team.

The McMaster University Campus Master Plan (prepared in 2002, and updated in 2008) provided a vision for the future growth of McMaster University. Since then, changes have occurred and are proposed to the physical campus, and new locations have been developed beyond the Main Campus. There has also been a shift in the dynamic and flexible ways that students learn, study, and socialize on campus. The 2016 Campus Master Plan Update refreshes the vision for the campus and provides McMaster University with a plan to guide positive future growth.

The Open House will address: Overview and Process; Vision and Guiding Principles; Master Plan Systems; Campus Character Areas; and, Implementation Recommendations.

Have a few minutes? Stop by and provide your input.

Can’t make it to an Open House session?

Visit the project website at