Downtown Centre for sale

Hamilton City Council is taking steps to put McMaster’s Downtown Centre (DTC) up for sale. The University began renting the building more than ten years ago. Approximately 300 staff from areas including Continuing Education, University Advancement, Institutional Research and Analysis, and Financial Services call the DTC home. About 4,000 continuing education students take programs at the facility each year.

The city motion to sell the building will go to the next council meeting for final approval. McMaster will have the first opportunity to purchase.

“The Downtown Centre has been an important base for McMaster and centre of activity in the downtown core for more than a decade, says Roger Couldrey, McMaster’s vice-president, Administration. “We look forward to working with the city to pursue the option to purchase the property and ensure that we’re able to continue to occupy the
downtown centre and be a vital part of the core.”

The Downtown Centre will be complemented by the McMaster Downtown Health Campus which is now under construction at the corner of Main and Bay Streets.