Do your part: Help reduce energy consumption on campus

Due to high electricity demand in Ontario, all members of the campus community are being asked to power down wherever possible.

Between 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, please help conserve electricity by following these steps:

  • Set-up computer and monitor settings to go into power save mode when not in use.
  • Turn off and unplug electrical devices not in use (computers, printers, coffee makers, microwaves, ice-making machines, etc). All items consume electricity just by being plugged in.
  • Close blinds to reduce heat load, and use a desk lamp to reduce extra lighting. Turn off lights when leaving the room.
  • Keep air vents clear of paper, files, office supplies and furniture.
  • If possible, avoid the use of high-energy equipment (such as fume hoods, dryers and non-consolidated freezers) during peak hours.

On Monday, July 21, McMaster reduced its overall energy consumption by 14 per cent (1.9 MW) — equivalent to the power demand for approximately 500 homes. The reduction goal for July 22 is 2 MW.

Let’s do it!

For more information, please email