Welcome (Back) Reception for 2SLGBTQ+ McMaster Students, Staff and Faculty
L.R. Wilson Hall, Community Room (1003)
24/09/2019, 4:30 pm - TO 24/09/2019 - 6:30 pm
Organizer: Equity and Inclusion Office
L.R. Wilson Hall, Community Room (1003)
24/09/2019, 4:30 pm - TO 24/09/2019 - 6:30 pm
Organizer: Equity and Inclusion Office
Hosted by the Gender & Sexuality Working Group of the President’s Advisory Committee on Building an Inclusive Community (PACBIC). Welcoming remarks by Arig al Shaibah, AVP, Equity and Inclusion, and Amber Dean, Faculty Co-Chair of the Gender & Sexuality Working Group (PACBIC).
For questions/accommodation requirements, please contact Vilma Rossi at rossiv@mcmaster.ca or Ext. 24235.
Food and (non-alcoholic) beverages will be served.