Webinar: Osteoarthritis – Not Just a Nuisance Condition of Old Age: An Overview of Findings from the CLSA
12/10/2017, 12:00 pm - TO 12/10/2017 - 1:00 pm
Organizer: CLSA / Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact
12/10/2017, 12:00 pm - TO 12/10/2017 - 1:00 pm
Organizer: CLSA / Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact
In this webinar, Dr. Badley and Dr. Perruccio will present an overview of the
prevalence of arthritis, focusing on osteoarthritis (OA). The presentation will be in
two parts:
Part 1: While the most frequently studied risk factors for OA relate to biomechanical
factors associated with injury or obesity, there is emerging evidence that OA might
have a systemic metabolic or inflammatory component. This section of the webinar
will include a brief overview of Dr. Badley and Dr. Perruccio’s findings.
Part 2: Recognizing that OA is often thought of as a condition of older people that
may be associated with pain and disability, leading to a need for help, Dr. Badley
and Dr. Perruccio look at the receipt of care, care given to others and social engagement
in the younger (45-64) CLSA participants.
For more information: https://www.clsa-elcv.ca/doc/2395
Register: http://bit.ly/clsawebinars