
“We are not the Others” Theatre Performance

L.R. Wilson Hall (Concert Hall)

28/02/2019, 2:00 pm - TO 28/02/2019 - 4:00 pm

Organizer: School of Social Work

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Using arts based knowledge mobilization, Dr. Carranza of the School of Social Work and Izad Etemandi have created the play “We are not the Others” to re-tell the stories of Women Immigrants to Hamilton. Using the words, expression and poetry of women the play challenges the ways in which “regular” or non-immigrants view migration. It also speaks to their hopes and dreams for themselves, their families and future newcomer women. This form of knowledge mobilization is based on the 2017 collaborative study “Examining the Intersections of Mental Health and Acculturation with Immigrant Women” that was completed with the Emergency Support Committee for Refugees, Hamilton Legal Clinic and the Immigrant Working Centre with funding from the Hamilton Community Foundation.

We are not the Others has played in Hamilton, Toronto, Peterborough and London. It was featured at the Hamilton Fringe Festival and was Awarded critics choice. Please join us on February 28th at 2:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall in L.R Wilson Hall on the McMaster Campus.