Tipi Confessions and the RELAB: Decolonizing Indigenous Sexualities and Research-Creation: A Lecture with Dr. Kim TallBear
LRW Concert Hall
25/10/2019, 2:00 pm
Organizer: Whidden Institute
LRW Concert Hall
25/10/2019, 2:00 pm
Organizer: Whidden Institute
At the University of Alberta Faculty of Native Studies, Dr. Kim TallBear and colleagues are developing a “research-creation” or arts-based research lab. The research and performance group has grown out of and will continue to support the sexy storytelling show, Tipi Confesssions. Dr. TallBear co-produces the show with two other Indigenous women. Tipi Confessions appears several times a year in Edmonton, in cities across Canada, and internationally.
This talk highlights how performance and other creative work informs research into Indigenous and decolonial sexualities at the University of Alberta, and conversely how Indigenous, two-spirit, and queer theory informs the creative work produced by the RELAB.
This event is open to every department!