The Use of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Surgical Clinical Research in Making Leadership Decisions
11/01/2018, 12:00 pm - TO 11/01/2018 - 1:30 pm
Organizer: Health Leadership Academy
11/01/2018, 12:00 pm - TO 11/01/2018 - 1:30 pm
Organizer: Health Leadership Academy
McMaster University
Health Sciences Centre, Room HSC 1A3 (purple section)
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4L8
In most jurisdictions health care systems are under stress as the demands for health care exceed most systems’ ability to provide them. Although this problem has been highlighted over 40 years ago no solution is in sight. Multiple vested interests conspire to maintain ailing health care systems in a state of chronic inertia. The use of cost-effectiveness analysis in clinical research and translation in clinical practice is a possible solution. In this presentation, Dr Achilles Thoma will talk about the use of cost-effectiveness analysis in surgery, and specifically plastic surgery, explaining how this can assist in making leadership decisions in the prudent allocation of scarce health care resources in our health care system.
Our Collaboratorium is a place to learn about and share health innovations that are being
nurtured within McMaster University, and we’ve designed a series of talks to introduce to you to new academic content, pique your interest in new pedagogies, and highlight leadership and projects underway in health innovation.
The event is free for a limited number of registrants. Visit the Eventbrite page for Collaboratorium Talks for Jan 11 2018.
Eventbrite link:
Dr. Achilles Thoma obtained his BSc in Medicine degree in 1974 and MD degree in 1976, both from McMaster. He was the 3rd resident to graduate from the McMaster Plastic Surger program in 1980. His other training included a fellowship in Head and Neck Surgery in 1981 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. He was then awarded a McLaughlin scholarship to study Hand Surgery and Microsurgery in Louisville, Kentucky. While practicing, Dr. Thoma has received his Master’s in Health Research Methodology in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology from McMaster University.
He returned to Hamilton in 1983 and established the Head and Neck Microsurgery Service at St. Joseph’s Hospital and the training microsurgery lab in the same institution. He has served as Head of Service in plastic surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital for 14 years, Program Director of Plastic Surgery at McMaster on two separate occasions and Division Head for 15 years. He is past president of the Canadian Society of Plastic surgeons. Presently, Dr. Thoma is on the active staff of St. Joseph’s hospital and a clinical professor of surgery. He is on the editorial board of a number of plastic surgery journals and Evidence Based Medicine HUB for the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, he is also the Director of the Surgical Outcomes Research Centre (SOURCE). His research focus in on Evidence-Based Surgery, hand surgery, breast reduction and reconstruction and cost-effectiveness analysis.