The New NSERC Alliance Grant Program Introductory Workshop for Researchers
MDCL - 1309
20/06/2019, 10:00 am - TO 20/06/2019 - 11:30 am
Organizer: McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO)
MDCL - 1309
20/06/2019, 10:00 am - TO 20/06/2019 - 11:30 am
Organizer: McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO)
In April, NSERC announced the launch of its new, much-awaited partnership offering, the Alliance Grant. Alliance will eventually become the cornerstone of NSERC’s collaborative-research funding vehichles, replacing such familiar grants as CRD, Strategic, and Engage.
Because these outgoing grants have become such an important part of most STEM researchers’ funding strategies, it will be of critical importance for research teams to gain an early understanding of how the new Alliance Grant will work – partner eligibilites, funding calculations and limits, evaluation criteria, application procedures and timelines, and so on.
To that end, representative of the NSERC Alliance program team will be visiting universities across the country to provide introductory workshops for interested researchers. Join us June 20.
For further details, please contact: Daniela Cali, McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO),
To register for the event, go to: