
The Future through Ancestral Lenses

Online Event

23/09/2020, 7:30 pm - TO 23/09/2020 - 8:30 pm

Organizer: The Socrates Project

My Calendar

Dr. Vanessa Watts, Paul D. MacPherson Chair in Indigenous Studies, moderates a panel of Indigenous language speakers and cultural carriers to discuss how their ancestral language shapes their worldview and how they see this challenging time through that lens. Our current environmental and social crises have been described in apocalyptic terms, and Indigenous people have in many ways survived their own apocalypses since colonization. Indigenous futurism often refers to the idea that Indigenous cultures are not just of the past, but that these knowledge systems can provide guidance for the future. We’ll talk to thought leaders to explore what a healthier future looks like to them.

The panel will include:

Zoe Hopkins, Marianne Nicolson and Jeremy Green.

In partnership with the McMaster Indigenous Studies Program.