Sequence: Reading of play
Concert Hall, L.R. Wilson Hall
07/11/2018, 2:30 pm - TO 07/11/2018 - 4:30 pm
Organizer: The Socrates Project - Office of the President
Concert Hall, L.R. Wilson Hall
07/11/2018, 2:30 pm - TO 07/11/2018 - 4:30 pm
Organizer: The Socrates Project - Office of the President
A stem-cell-researcher, while seeking a cure for her impending blindness, confronts a student who has defied probability with zero correct answers on a midterm exam. The “Luckiest Man Alive” wins successive Super Bowl bets without fail for 20 years, only to be called out by a woman who says she’s deciphered his secret formula.
Writer and ophthalmologist Arun Lakra intertwines these two stories in his play Sequence.
In the reading of this award-winning play, directed by Canadian theatre and film artist David McIlwraith, questions of science, faith, coincidence and probability frothily unfold, to both entertain and tantalize.
Presented in partnership with the Arts & Science Program.
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