
Research Talk: Medicaid Policy During the Pandemic: A Grounds-Up Perspective

L.R. Wilson Hall, Room 1003 or online

21/09/2022, 12:30 pm - TO - 1:30 pm

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The McMaster Institute for Heath Equity (MIHE) and the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA) are pleased to jointly host Dr. Jamila Michener of Cornell University for a research presentation, Medicaid Policy During the Pandemic: A Grounds-Up Perspective. All are welcome to attend in person in LRW 1003 or via Zoom.

Talk Description:
The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in significant changes to Medicaid policy and administration. Scholars know much about the content of these changes and are learning more about their consequences. Dr. Michener draws on in-depth qualitative interviews with Medicaid beneficiaries to offer evidence about how Medicaid beneficiaries themselves experienced the changes to Medicaid that occurred in the wake of the public health emergency. This research emphasizes the value of a “ground-up” perspective and draws on the voices of Medicaid beneficiaries to advance knowledge of how Medicaid policy design and program administration can facilitate health equity.

Speaker Bio
Jamila Michener is an associate professor of Government and Public Policy at Cornell University. She studies poverty, racism, and public policy, with a particular focus on health and housing. She is author of the award-winning book, Fragmented Democracy: Medicaid, Federalism, and Unequal Politics. She is Associate Dean for Public Engagement at the Brooks School of Public Policy, co-director of the Cornell Center for Health Equity, co-director of the Politics of Race, Immigration, Class and Ethnicity (PRICE) research initiative, and board chair of the Cornell Prison Education Program.