
Recovery Colleges: Co-Producing Transformation in Mental Health Services

Online Event

05/02/2021, 11:30 am - TO 05/02/2021 - 12:30 pm

Organizer: McMaster Co-Design VP Hub

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Sheryl Giesbrecht, Manager of the CMHA Well-being Learning Centre in Manitoba, will be our guest facilitator to share her experiences in co-producing a Recovery College in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Co-production takes co-design to the next level by making it an ongoing way of doing business. Recovery Colleges originated in the United Kingdom as an innovative educational approach in which service users and service providers co-design and co-deliver courses, and co-learn together to foster mental health recovery. Recovery Colleges empower through education and build partnerships in the journey of recovery, thereby challenging the current paradigm of mental health treatment in Canada.

Join us to learn more about how CMHA Manitoba has successfully partnered with mental health service users and service providers to co-produce mental health and well-being Learning Centres as a variant of Recovery Colleges that offer free, interactive courses promoting recovery and well-being for everyone in the community.

Please register here.