
Perfection is Paralysis: Learn to Lead with Confidence

Great Hall, Ron Joyce Centre, 4350 South Service Rd, Burlington ON L7L5R8

07/06/2018, 7:30 am - TO 07/06/2018 - 9:00 am

Organizer: Health Leadership Academy

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Perfection is an unrealistic and unattainable goal, yet many people strive for it. At this talk we’ll learn how perfectionist thinking can be destructive for you and your team. We’ll also learn some strategies to build up your confidence as you navigate through this complex thinking process.

Featuring Dr. Maja Jovanovich — sociologist, author, and guest expert on CTV’s The Social.

This event is presented by the Michael G. DeGroote Health Leadership Academy.

Video conferencing is available. Indicate your interest when registering.

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Cost is $10, parking is included. Students attend free. Flex packages are available. Light breakfast provided.