
Origins Institute Lecture Series – Where are the Aliens?!?

Online Event

16/11/2020, 1:30 pm - TO 16/11/2020 - 2:30 pm

Organizer: McMaster University

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The Origins Institute in partnership with the McMaster Alumni Association invite you to a public lecture with Dr. Brad K Gibson, Professor and Director of the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Hull.

Have we been visited before? Are they out there watching… listening… studying us? And if they are out there, where might ‘there’ be? Our Milky Way Galaxy can be a nasty and inhospitable place for life to develop… but, all is not lost… there are some very unique and special places hidden amongst this hostile environment where the building blocks for life might just be right for extraterrestrial life to flourish.

In this lecture, Professor Brad Gibson will examine the evidence for and against the existence of extraterrestrial life, and walk you through the associated good, bad, and ugly corners of our Galaxy.

Brad Gibson, Professor and Director of the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Hull, is responsible for the development of one of the United Kingdom’s most dynamic research, education, and outreach groups. He is an authority in the field of galaxy formation and evolution, including the identification of regions of the Milky Way most likely to harbour complex biological life.

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