OER Showcase: Finding, Using and Creating Open Educational Resources for your Teaching and Learning

Online Event

27/10/2021, 11:30 am - TO 27/10/2021 - 12:30 pm

Organizer: University Library

My Calendar

Education is currently facing a tremendous challenge with the shift of teaching and learning to hybrid formats. Tapping into Open Educational Resources (OER) is an excellent path forward for finding, creating and customizing openly-licensed materials for your teaching and learning. OER are educational materials (including textbooks, modules, streaming media, simulations, images and much more) that can be accessible, adaptable, time-saving and engaging alternatives to commercially published textbooks or having to create learning materials from scratch. Participants will be introduced to a variety of sources and collections that exist for OER, including McMaster’s own OER By Discipline Guide.

We’ll also hear from our 2020-2021 OER Grantees as they update us on their completed projects. Learn about the projects (one Adaptation and two Creation); hear about the grantees’ experiences with exploring new teaching approaches using OER; and hear about students’ experiences with contributing to course content. There will be time for questions and discussion after the presentations. Learn more about the OER Grant which will be offered again in Spring 2022.


Zhen He, assistant professor, Department of Economics
Joanne Kehoe, lead educational developer, digital pedagogy, MacPherson Institute
Caitlin Mullarkey and Felicia Vulcu, assistant professors, Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Alex Peace, assistant professor, School of Earth, Environment & Society

Register: Showcase: Finding, Using and Creating Open Educational Resources for your Teaching and Learning