
Nursing Education and Social Reform Fostering Indigenous Health Leadership towards the achievement of IND-equity

McMaster Innovation Park

24/04/2018, 11:30 am - TO 24/04/2018 - 1:30 pm

Organizer: School of Nursing

My Calendar

Join us on April 24, 2018 for the Bernice King Lectureship hosted at McMaster Innovation Park.

Our Guest Speaker, Dr. Bernice Downey will be delivering a lecture on Nursing Education and Social Reform – Fostering Indigenous Health Leadership towards the achievement on IND-equity.

Dr. Downey is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed with the School of Nursing and Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences and is leading the Indigenous Health Initiative for the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.

Please register for this event by contacting Caitlin Schmid at with your name and organization.