
MIRA One Topic, Two Disciplines Seminar | Aging in the Right Place

Online Event

08/10/2021, 9:30 am - TO - 10:30 am

Organizer: McMaster Institute for Research on Aging

My Calendar

In the next 20 years, the number of adults over the age of 80 in the Greater Golden Horseshoe region will increase by more than 700,000 to over one million. These changing demographics will present important questions: How will an aging population transform housing and what challenges will we face? How does the built environment affect older adults’ mental and physical health? Can housing and neighbourhood design that promotes healthy aging be engineered through public policy? How can we promote aging in the right place, and enable older adults to age in their community?

MIRA brings together two experts from different disciplines to discuss topics in aging, through the One Topic Two Disciplines seminar series. In this seminar, social scientist Dr. Jim Dunn and primary care epidemiologist Dr. Gina Agarwal will explore how we can integrate evidence into social services, health, and housing.

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