Meet the new chair of McMaster’s Board of Governors
06/09/2017, 4:34 pm - TO 06/09/2017 - 4:34 pm
06/09/2017, 4:34 pm - TO 06/09/2017 - 4:34 pm
Paul Douglas has become chair of McMaster’s Board of Governors. The McMaster graduate has been an active member of the Board since 2010 but his involvement with the University began when he was a student. He graduated with his Bachelor of Commerce in 1976 and returned a few years later to take his MBA.
“McMaster was a great university to attend and it’s only grown in quality and prestige since I was a student,” said Douglas. He met his wife while she was a McMaster nursing student and one of his sons is a McMaster graduate in Economics. “My wife and I both have such fond memories of McMaster especially the beauty of the campus.”
He reconnected with his alma mater through his work at TD bank where he is currently the executive vice-president of the TD Bank Financial Group. “We were looking to boost recruitment and we knew we could find great candidates amongst McMaster students. I then was asked to give some lectures to a few classes and I joined the DeGroote School of Business Advisory Board.” Since joining the Board of Governors he has chaired and been a member of a number of committees including the Finance, Audit and University Advancement committees.
“The Board has a unique role in helping to ensure the University is financially sound and that it has the governance in place so McMaster is able to continue to enhance opportunities for students and expand the amazing and, in many cases, world class research that occurs across campus. It is truly an honour to be asked to take on the role of the Chair and I look forward to working with board members and members of the University community over the next two years.”