MCYU Reimagining Childhood Series – Born This Way: Unraveling Gender Identity in Youth

Online Event

19/10/2023, 7:00 pm - TO 19/10/2023 - 8:00 am

Organizer: McMaster Library

My Calendar

McMaster’s Children and Youth University (MCYU) delivers in-person programming for children and youth aged 7-14 in all areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). All of our programs are developed around our guiding philosophy: QUESTION – DISCOVER – CREATE.

This discussion, modelled after the Appetizers for the Mind series, will address gender identity in youth and the importance of recognizing gender-affirming care in both cis- and trans-gender youth. Dr. Scherzinger will demystify current QUESTIONS about gender and youth, the process of DISCOVERING one’s gender, and how youth CREATE their own creative gender expressions within an increasingly violent political environment. Finally, Dr. S will couch this conversation within the broader context of lifelong learning.

This will be the inaugural talk presented by MCYU this year as part of their series for adults, “Reimagining Childhood”. Click here for more information.

Register for the event here.

Transformative Stories: Year of Gender and Justice is presented by McMaster University Library in collaboration with campus and community partners and will feature a lineup of free, public programming from fall 2023 through summer 2024. The series is part of McMaster University Library’s biannual “Year of” celebrations, which are aimed at highlighting the library’s unique collections, resources, and expertise and emphasizing its vital role in supporting the research, teaching, and learning mission of the university.