
McMaster Planetarium – Public Show


20/11/2019, 7:00 pm - TO 20/11/2019 - 9:30 pm

Organizer: Physics & Astronomy

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The Golden Dance of Death

Gold is the most valued metal: it’s beautiful, useful as jewelry and quite rare. Tracing its source goes far beyond a mine: in the vastness of space, pairs of city-sized stars collide in a dance of death creating gold and other precious metals. Each of these cosmic fireworks can create as much as 100 Earths’ worth of gold! Two years ago, scientists observed such a collision for the first time. It was so massive and violent that it not only created a release of energy and light, but also ripples in the fabric of space and time. Visit McCallion Planetarium this year and find out how gold is created in the universe.

Show Times: 7 p.m., 8:15 p.m.