Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 8 Graduate Student Conference

Day 1: McMaster Centre for Continuing Education; Day 2: L.R. Wilson Hall

08/03/2019, 12:30 pm

Organizer: Political Science

My Calendar

The Department of Political Science at McMaster University, in conjunction with the Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization, Institute for Globalization and the Human Condition, Engineering and Public Policy Program, and the Centre for Climate Change, is excited to host the 8th annual Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy Graduate Student Conference.

This year’s conference is organized around the theme of Global Policy and the Discontented, and we are excited to feature plenary talks by Dr. Judy Fudge (Labour Studies, McMaster) and Dr. Hayden King (Yellowhead Institute, Ryerson University).

For more information and to register, please visit out website.