
Manski seminar on kidney transplant outcomes applies economics to medical decision-making

Communications Research Lab (CRL) B119

12/09/2019, 3:00 pm - TO 12/09/2019 - 4:30 pm

Organizer: Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA)

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Economist Charles Manski of Northwestern University will give a special seminar on Thursday Sept. 12 on the topic: “Predicting Kidney Transplant Outcomes with Partial Knowledge of HLA Mismatch.”

This talk is an application of the ideas Prof. Manksi presented last year at a CHEPA-sponsored short-course entitled “Techniques to Inform Development of Clinical Guidelines and Treatment Choice” and which inform his book: “Patient Care under Uncertainty”: How cutting-edge economics can improve decision-making methods for doctors. (

Dr. Manski is an econometrician specializing in rational choice theory, and an innovator in parameter identification. His research spans econometrics, judgment and decision, and the analysis of social policy. He is known in the economics field for landmark work on partial identification, identification of discrete choice models, and the identification of social interactions, as well as empirical research on measurement of expectations in surveys.

This seminar will be streamed via Webex. Copy and paste this link into your browser:

The password is Manskiseminar