
Learn more about how to take action on food insecurity in Hamilton

Moulton Hall EMR, McMaster University

24/01/2018, 4:00 pm - TO 24/01/2018 - 6:30 pm

Organizer: Office of Community Engagement

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Interested in learning more about what is being done to address food security on and off campus and how students can get involved?

On Wednesday January 24, the McMaster and Hamilton communities are invited to discuss this and more at Food (in) Security, a special event hosted by the McMaster Community Poverty Initiative.

Speakers will discuss their perspectives, experiences and advocacy in relation to food security, talk about the work they do on campus and share ideas on how students can take action and participate.

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This event will feature guest speaker Juby Lee from Environment Hamilton, as well as a panel discussion. Panelists include:

Hannah Philip, Mac Bread Bin
Christine Yachouh, Hospitality Services
Taryn Aarssen, Student Wellness Center

For more information about this event, please contact: