
Introducing the Learning Health System

McMaster Innovation Park - conference rooms

26/04/2018, 12:00 pm - TO - 2:30 pm

Organizer: Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

My Calendar

On Thursday April 26th, we are privileged to have Dr. Charles Friedman, a world-renowned expert in Learning Health Systems from the University of Michigan, visiting Hamilton. A Keynote Address to the larger Hamilton research community will take place at McMaster Innovation Park; opening remarks will be at noon, followed by the Keynote Address and a panel discussion.

This event offers our community the opportunity to learn more about their role in creating a learning health system here in Hamilton – where data and experience are integrated with evidence, and that knowledge is put into practice. The result is higher quality, safer, more efficient care for patients.

Please see the attached poster for details. If you are interested in attending the Keynote Address and Panel, please RSVP by Friday April 13th to