1) Public events:
All day:
- #SelfiesForPeace – tweet your selfie for peace!
- Random Acts of Kindness for Peace – Do something to make this a better day for someone
- Facebook page
Throughout the day:
- 10 a.m., “Pop-Up for Peace”, led by McMaster Peace and Philosophy graduate, Hans Loewig, downtown at King and James;
- 12 p.m., One Minute for Peace – observe the UN-initiated, one minute of silence to reflect on peace, and how we can create it, led by Professor Nancy Doubleday, Director of Peace Studies, flagpoles in front of BSB
- 3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Peace Walk on Campus, led by Professor Jorge Fabra, Peace Studies, meet at the flagpoles in front of BSB
- 4:30 – 5 p.m., Experience a Peace Meditation, led by Professor Brian Baetz, Indigenous Studies outdoor classroom behind Faculty Club
- “Tree for Peace” Planting, led by Outdoor Recreation/mediation on Water for Peace
- 5 – 6 p.m., Join Myron Groover, Reference Librarian and Archivist, for a display of memorabilia and a live reading of the Russell – Einstein Manifesto in the Russell Archives, planned for ;
2) Other Contributions by McMaster to International day of Peace Observance:
- International Day of Peace will be celebrated at Cootes Paradise School Kindergarten by Professor Fabra
- McMaster Water Network Student Chapter
- PEACEST 1BD3 will design and send “Postcards for Peace” with Professor Doubleday