
Ignition 9: Hamilton Artists Inc.’s Award for Distinction in the McMaster and Waterloo Visual Art Programs

Online Event

30/01/2021, 2:00 pm - TO 30/01/2021 - 4:00 pm

Organizer: School of the Arts

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Ignition 9: Hamilton Artists Inc.’s Award for Distinction in the McMaster and Waterloo Visual Art Programs

Jet Coghlan, Teba Faisal, Lupita Guerrero, Baz Kanold, Jill Letten, and David Nguyen

January 30-March 1, 2021 (online)

Launch Party and Awards Ceremony: January 30 from 2-4 p.m. via YouTube livestream

Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to announce the 9th annual Ignition Award for Distinction presented to graduating students in the McMaster and Waterloo visual art programs. Since 2013, Ignition has provided a platform to ignite emerging artists’ careers through a professional exhibition and dedicated mentorship. We are thrilled to extend the Ignition award to University of Waterloo students for the first time this year, who will be celebrated alongside their peers from McMaster University. Congratulations to this year’s award recipients, Jet Coghlan, Teba Faisal, Lupita Guerrero, Baz Kanold, Jill Letten, and David Nguyen, on their outstanding work!

Event details here.

Launch Party and Awards Ceremony, featuring INC.spots artist talks by each of the award recipients

January 30 from 2-4 p.m. online via YouTube livestream

Visit our YouTube page at the time of the event to join. This event will include closed captioning.