
How to Lie with Data

Hybrid Event: Sherman Centre & Online via Zoom

31/01/2023, 1:30 pm - TO 31/01/2023 - 3:30 pm

Organizer: Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship

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Data may seem objective or neutral, but that’s not always the case. At this roundtable, learn about how data can be manipulated, skewed, or collected so poorly that any findings are extremely suspect. This session aims to build critical literacy and build attendees’ understanding of data collection, statistics, visualizations including infographics, charts, graphs, and maps, and the Data Justice movement.

Panelists include Vass Bednar (Executive Director of the Public Policy in Digital Society Program), Cal Biruk (Associate Professor of Anthropology), Jeffrey Demaine (Bibliometrics and Research Impact Librarian), Saman Goudarzi (Cartographic Resources Librarian), Christine Homuth (Spatial Information Specialist), and Subhanya Sivajothy (Data Analysis and Visualization Librarian), with an introductory address by the Sherman Centre’s Co-Directors Dr. Jay Brodeur and Dr. Andrea Zeffiro.

This event is hybrid and can be attended online or in-person at the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship, located on the first floor of Mills Library. The session will be recorded and shared on the Sherman Centre’s website.

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