Free 5-day Summer School on High Performance Computing
McMaster University
10/06/2019, 9:30 am - TO 14/06/2019 - 4:30 pm
McMaster University
10/06/2019, 9:30 am - TO 14/06/2019 - 4:30 pm
We are pleased to announce 2019 Ontario Summer School on High Performance Computing – West hosted by SHARCNET.
June 10 – 14, 2019 @ McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Register online NOW:
The deadline for Summer School West registration is Thursday May 30th at 11pm. Please be aware that summer school registration is a two-step process. To finalize the registration one will have to click on a link in an email which will be sent after the the first (pre-registration) step is completed.
This five-day summer school includes lectures and labs on programming distributed and multicore systems and on various topics pertaining to advanced research computing. Attendees will learn how to program distributed memory systems (networked computers) known as “clusters”, shared memory multicore systems, and GPUs. We will also cover common programming languages (including Python, R, and Matlab/Octave), big data, machine learning, and software packages pertaining to specific research domains.
A long-running event for SHARCNET, HPC Summer School was introduced to users over a decade ago (here at McMaster). Summer School is now an Ontario-wide event which is run annually at three different locations. Summer School West location alternates each year between major SHARCNET sites; last year it was held at Western University. McMaster University hosted the Summer School in 2007 and 2016, so this is only the third time the School comes to Mac.
Summer School Central will run June 24 – 28 at the University of Toronto, and the University of Ottawa will host Summer School East on July 8 – 12. Note that the courses offered by the three sites may be slightly different. Please check the site specific programs for details.