
FHS EDI presents a virtual talk on What Does it Mean to Save a Life? Redefining Care for 2SLGBTQ+ Communities.

Online Event

20/06/2023, 4:30 pm - TO 20/06/2023 - 5:30 pm

Organizer: FHS, EDI IR

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What if a simple shift in approach could revolutionize healthcare for 2SLGBTQ+ communities?

In this insightful talk, Ellie Reyes (she/her) will unravel the complex challenges faced by 2SLGBTQ+ communities and illuminate why inclusive care saves lives.

Ellie Reyes (she/her)
A Nurse, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant Advocate for 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion in Healthcare and Founder of The Inclusive Care Project

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