
Faculty Development: Structured Virtual Feedback Through SIM

Online Event

20/05/2020, 7:30 pm - TO 20/05/2020 - 9:00 pm

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Waterloo Regional Campus invites you to join a Zoom seminar on: Faculty Development: Structured Virtual Feedback Through SIM.

Feedback is essential in the learners’ journey to achieving expertise. Providing high quality feedback is one of the most important competencies of a clinical teacher. Teachers’ understanding of the essential elements of good feedback can make a significant difference in the learners’ development and the teachers’ own satisfaction in their teaching role. In this workshop, we provide a background on elements of effective feedback, and review A-I as a feedback technique. We then allocate the majority of our time to working through several simulated cases using A-I as a structure for giving feedback to standardized learners. The cases are written to illustrate common challenging scenarios in feedback, including issues of professionalism and learners lacking insight. Participants are invited to take turns providing feedback to the standardized learners using the A-I technique. Participants will leave this workshop with valuable simulated experience in giving feedback effectively, especially in more challenging scenarios.

Location: Virtual – Zoom

Meeting ID: 519 998 5499 | WRC