
Disney’s Approach to Leadership Excellence

Michelangelo’s, 1555 Upper Ottawa Street, Hamilton, Ontario

27/09/2018, 8:00 am - TO - 4:00 pm

Organizer: DeGroote School of Business

My Calendar

A leader is far more than a label – leadership is about taking actions to create sustained, positive transformations within an organization. Great leaders align their own values and vision with those of their organizations to achieve improved performance and to leave a lasting legacy. It is this approach to leadership that is responsible for The Walt Disney Company legacy known around the world today.

In this one-day course you will discover insights that drive the Disney organization, and practice adapting these insights to get long-term results in your organization, department or team.

  • Date:     Thursday, September 27, 2018
  • Time:     8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Location:  Michelangelo’s, 1555 Upper Ottawa Street, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Registration link –
  • For more information and staff rates, please contact: Lynn Petruzzella 905-525-9140 ext. 20509