
Connect to Careers Virtual Job Fair

Online Event

03/03/2021, 9:00 am - TO 03/03/2021 - 3:00 pm

Organizer: McMaster University - Connect to Careers Job Fair

My Calendar

Do you need help finding a job? Connect with hiring employers virtually at one of the largest job fairs in Hamilton.

Attend Connect to Careers to explore a wide range of opportunities — from summer, full-time and part-time jobs to co-op placements and internships. Plus, set yourself apart from other applicants by sharing your experience and personality through one-on-one virtual chats with employers.

Presented in partnership by McMaster University; Mohawk College; Redeemer University; Workforce Planning Hamilton; and Economic Development, City of Hamilton.

This is a free drop-in event. Register in advance online. For more information, visit