
Commitments to Community

Online Event

18/05/2021, 1:30 pm - TO 18/05/2021 - 3:00 pm

Organizer: Race, Racism and Racialization Working Group (R3) | Equity and Inclusion Office

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As 2021 marks another year of ongoing racist violence toward Black, Indigenous, and many other communities of colour, there are even more reasons to center justice, equity, and community in our research aims, questions, approaches, and commitments. This panel invites four brilliant BIPOC speakers from across the University to share their ongoing research particularly in relation to their communities. Diverse though their disciplinary backgrounds are, the speakers have in common their strong commitment to thinking with, about, and for their varying communities and relations.

The speakers for this event are:

Shawn Hercules
Katrina Sellinger
Dr. Kaitlin Debicki
Dr. Eugenia Zuroski

Live Captioning (CART) Services will be provided for this event.

Please note that all attendees will be entered in a raffle for one of four books or one of two copies of Pitch Magazine Vol. 2. Details for this will be shared during the event.

This event is co-sponsored by RESIST Graduate Student Working Group, the Race, Racism and Racialization (R3) PACBIC Working Group, the Disability Inclusion, Madness, Accessibility, NeuroDiversity (DMINAD) Working Group, and the Equity and Inclusion Office.

Please email for more information.