Café X: What Will the Factory of the Future Look Like?

Gerald Hatch Centre Room 324, McMaster University

25/01/2018, 3:30 pm - TO 25/01/2018 - 4:30 pm

Organizer: Engineering

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Manufacturing in the future will be more intelligent, adaptable, responsive, and reconfigurable, influencing education and learning. Dr. ElMaraghy will discuss the new trends in manufacturing systems and some of the game changers and technology disruptions which will shape the future of manufacturing, including technologies like 3-D printing, embedded intelligence, micro-electronics, Industrial Internet of things.

About Dr. Hoda ElMaraghy:

Hoda ElMaraghy is a Distinguished University Professor and founding Director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Center at the University of Windsor where she became the first woman Dean of Engineering in Canada. A recipient of the Order of Ontario for being a trail-blazer, inspiration and mentor to aspiring young men and women engineers in Canada and beyond whose research helped influence public policy, positioning Canada at the forefront of emerging transformative technologies and global trends in manufacturing. Hoda is a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Canadian Academy of Engineering, and International Academy of Production Engineering, among many others. She received an Honorary Doctorate from Chalmers University in Sweden. Professor Hoda ElMaraghy obtained Master and PhD degrees from McMaster University and was the first woman faculty member in Mechanical Engineering where she founded the first in Canada Research Center in Flexible Manufacturing. She supervised more than 100 researchers and has over 500 publications.