
Aromatherapies for Exams

MUSC 224

27/09/2018, 1:00 pm - TO 27/09/2018 - 3:00 pm

Organizer: Ontario Public Interest Research Group McMaster

My Calendar

Explore aromatherapy to be better prepared to manage the stress that presents itself during the school year and exams. In this hands-on workshop, Amina Suhrwardy will give instructions for working with essential oils and making therapeutic blends to assist with sleep, instil calmness, and promote concentration and focus. All products will be 100% natural! Participants will receive recipes and take home their own creations.

Please pre-register.
Brought to you by OPIRG McMaster.

For more information:
905-525-9140 ext. 27289
MUSC 229
Facebook: OPIRG.McMaster

Part of Making Connections: OPIRG’s Social Justice and Environment Week
Sponsors of Making Connections Week
UNIFOR Local 5555
Cake and Loaf Bakery
FairTrade Canada
La Siembra Co-operative