Working together to keep our neighbourhoods safe

The statue of Senator McMaster on a bench, surrounded by greenery in a campus garden.

A quick reminder to students to keep safety, respect and their neighbours top of mind heading into the weekend and the football home opener.

McMaster is reminding students to keep safety, respect and their neighbours top of mind heading into the weekend and the first home football game of the season.

“The return to campus has been smooth overall this fall, and we want to keep that momentum going,” says Sean Van Koughnett, AVP and Dean of Students.

Students should always consider COVID-19 safety when socializing on and off campus, and that means limiting the size of gatherings, he says.

“We are so pleased that we are able to gather together for the first football home game at McMaster since 2019,” Van Koughnett says.

“It’s more important than ever that students act responsibly toward their neighbours and each other as we savour the privilege of more in-person events on campus and off.”

To safeguard the community, McMaster will be ramping up its security presence on campus and in the surrounding neighbourhoods this weekend.  Hamilton police and City By-law enforcement will be watching for unsanctioned and large-scale parties in the area.

Representatives from McMaster will be proactively visiting student home areas to remind students to respect their neighbourhood and community.

And a reminder that anyone found in violation of bylaws and laws — by hosting large gatherings, for example — could be subject to charges, fines and possible sanctions under McMaster’s code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

The typical fine for violating the Reopening Ontario Act is $750 (failure to comply order). Charges in Hamilton have been laid under this Act since the start of the semester.

McMaster students living on campus and offsite can help keep their community safe by following these tips:

  • Respect your neighbours
  • Keep gatherings small
  • Remember COVID safety rules, such as distancing and masking
  • Keep the volume down
  • Be considerate, patient and kind
  • Be compassionate to the health concerns of others and the pressure that Hamilton hospitals and healthcare workers are working under as they take care of COVID and other patients.

Click here for more tips and resources for living off campus and being a good neighbour.


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