Vote on teaching staff election to Board begins April 12

The election for two representatives of the teaching staff on the Board of Governors will take place between 9 a.m., Wednesday, April 12 and 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 14.
The candidates in the elections are:
* Lorraine Allan,psychology
* Andrea Baumann, nursing
* Stuart MacLeod, clinical epidemiology and biostatistics, pediatrics, and medicine
* Michael Veall, economics
The election will take place online. Election information, including profiles of the candidates, may be viewed at the Board of Governors Web site via the link below. The ballot will be available at this site beginning on Wednesday morning.
Voters will need both their McMaster employee ID number and a PIN (issued by the human resources:; be sure to provide your employee ID number, your full name, and the month, day and year of birth).