University and MUSA Reach Accommodation Agreement

Agreement on Accommodated Positions
To avoid potential conflict on the line, by that we mean psychological and emotional, plus to avoid future recriminations, we would require the following agreed upon procedure.
1. Photo-identification that would be readily identifiable for the period of the labour action.
2. That before commencing work, the persons occupying the accommodated positions would report to an assembly location where they would be accompanied by a MUSA picket captain.
3. Any MUSA member normally occupying one of the designated accommodated positions who decides not to cross the picket line will not be disciplined. They may be replaced by an alternate qualified person of the Employer's choice who would act in the place of the person in the accommodated position during the job action.
Health Physics – up to 5 people who will leave when they have completed their duties involving safety and any other essential requirement solely related to maintaining the Nuclear License and as confirmed by Steve Staniek. Once these duties are completed, they will be sent home by Steve Staniek.
Reactor – Two reactor operators for one shift of operation. Two iodine technicians for one shift of operation. We agree to emergency response capability for the Reactor.
Sioux Lookout – Eight people occupying eight positions.
Research Nurses – Three (3) people in Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thirty-one (31) people in the Department of Medicine at various locations.
Centre for Student Development – Two and one-half (2.5) psychologists
Student Health Service Nurses – Six (6) registered nurses, no more than five(5) working per day.
CAF – Six (6) people
The document is signed by Karen Belaire for the University and Ron Lodewycks for MUSA.